The dish I chose to represent this country is a mainstay...Trinxat, which is a Catalan word that means "chopped". It is mashed cabbage and potatoes, it is beyond easy to make, and it is a tasty dish. The type of cabbage to use is up to you. That brings up a funny story...I was very distracted when I went shopping for the ingredients. I meant to buy savoy cabbage. When I got home, I found that I had bought bok choy instead. Guess what! It was still good! That proves a point when it comes to this dish, it varies from place to place, depending on what is available in the area. So use whatever cabbage you have.
I had two pots boiling at the same time, both with a small handful of sea salt. In one pot, I put a pound of bok choy; in the other, 3 peeled russet potatoes. I turned the bok choy down to low, and simmered for 45 minutes. The potatoes, I let boil for 20 minutes. I mashed the potatoes, and added the bok choy when it was nice and soft.
Then, I put 3 tablepoons of olive oil in a skillet, and heated 1 minced garlic clove until golden brown. The garlic and oil were added to the mash, and mixed in.
Setting this aside, I browned a quarter pound of bacon...about 12 strips. I let it drain on a paper towel while I finished with the mash.
I divided the potato and cabbage mash in half. Olive oil was heated on high, and one half of the mash was added, and flattened like a pancake. Add salt and pepper to taste. After 5 minutes, I flipped the pancake onto a plate, and slid it back into the skillet, browning the other side another 5 minutes. The same was repeated for the other half. This was garnished with the bacon.
This was probably the cheapest and homiest meal I have made thus far. Think of it as Andorran comfort food...and watch a nice episode of Bewitched, while you're at it.

1 Head Savoy Cabbage (or other cabbage of your choice)
3 Peeled Russet Potatoes
12 Strips Thick Bacon
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil (plus as needed)
1 Clove Minced Garlic
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